iPhone 7 實機照再現身!絕美機背完整曝光!

Apple iPhone 7 正式登場的時間距離目前僅剩約 2 個月,而相關的消息更是每日一爆料,讓全球消費者看得心癢難耐。而今天又有一張清晰諜照流出,顯示 iPhone 7 背蓋照片,快來一起看看有哪些特色!


(FILES) This September 19, 2014 file photo shows a man as he looks at his  iPhone 6 Plus outside the Apple store in Pasadena, California. Apple overtook Samsung to regain the top position in global smartphone sales in the fourth quarter, a market tracker said March 3, 2015. The survey by Gartner found Apple grabbed a 20.4 percent share of smartphone sales to end users, boosted by the introduction of its large-screen iPhones. The California giant sold some 74.8 million handsets, the survey found. South Korea's Samsung meanwhile saw its share tumble to 19.9 percent, as its smartphone sales dropped to 73 million units. Other surveys showed Apple and Samsung in a virtual tie, but Gartner showed a clear lead for the US firm.   AFP PHOTO / ROBYN BECK / FILES

國外 3C 爆料客 @Onleaks 今天在其個人 Twitter 上放了一張照片,據稱是今年秋天即將登場的 iPhone 7。從照片中可看到 iPhone 7 天線設計不再橫跨背蓋,而是改到上方的左右側邊,而且寬度更細。另外,主鏡頭看起來更大,與 iPhone 6/iPhone 6s 相比直徑大約寬了 25%,這也代表 iPhone 7 的相機品質將大躍進,不過相機畫素可能仍將維持 1200 萬。


@Onleaks 為知名 3C 爆料客,且過去所流出的消息都相當準確,被網友封為「爆料大神」;因此其消息與諜照都有一定的可信度,也可以反映那些尚未發表的產品的狀況。

5.5 吋 iPhone 7 Plus 的相機則外傳將搭載雙鏡頭,且將搭更大的感光元件,預估拍出的照片畫質也會因此更好。


From bottom, the iPhone 6S Plus, 6S and SE lie stacked on one another in a comparison photograph, Thursday, March 24, 2016, in New York. Apple's new 4-inch iPhone SE is a good choice at a good price for many people. You get the same speeds, graphics capabilities and rear camera as the iPhone 6S, but for $250 less. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

目前關於 iPhone 7 的傳聞還包括取消 3.5mm 耳機孔,改以 Lightning 耳機或藍芽耳機來替代、實體 Home 鍵改成觸控式,並加入 3D Touch 觸控感壓功能、防水防塵功能以及廣色域螢幕。



